Monday, January 17, 2011

First of 2011, 16 January 2011: Bt Dua, Sg Petani House Fire

Wake up kind of early today, 10am then get one of my favorite breakfast, "Wan Tan Mee". After the breakfast and get back to front of my laptop, my CRSM device calling and said : "Batu Dua there seems got house fire!" I quickly get my stuff and leave to meeting spot. But too bad, the truck leaving so I have to go myself together with another one that late. This is first call in 2011 I'm responding.

It's kind of mad to rush on the street without siren. Quick and carefully bypass every junction, then reach there quite late already and fire been controlled. So I'm almost doing nothing until my teammates ask for substitute at front line. So I've replaced him and continue spray to reduce heat that hidden. Government operation leader came to me and ask me go inside the building to avoid wasting of water, then does I. This operation end after water of second volunteer squad that support us run out. Four wooden terrace houses totally destroyed. The village is packed with fire trucks from numerous fire squads, around 11.

Chinese press coverage: KwongWah
Some of pics from other teams:

Voluntary Fire Squad of Merbok
Spsa Goh