Saturday, January 22, 2011

21 January 2011: Econsave Supermarket Petani Jaya On Fire

The North Wind season started and the weather become so dry and hot. First fire call was at 3pm something about forest fire, my team didn’t respond as teams at that town don’t need help. Back to home, face the PC until 4.50pm comes another call that reporting a supermarket fire. Sounds like a serious one.

Depart from the station after enough of crews. I get the front seat. It’s really got me mad at every junction. Those idiots really don’t stop and give away to emergency vehicle. When we got there, the governments and the town volunteer’s fire teams were already there. I don’t see any fire but the smoke is heavy. This time, I don’t run the attack line but helps in set up the thing. Without B.A. all we can do is spray the water to the top of building where the smoke comes out from outside of building. 

Due to the height of burning area, the government gets their ladder truck to assist in this operation. Second time for me to see ladder truck on fire ground. After half hour, the government’s fire team start to break and attack the store which is burning. Then, we use high pressure water spray into it. This had taken us about two hours to pull it off. I walk around the fire ground and in my mind was: Damn, lot of fire trucks and teams. Government’s two tenders and a ladder together with seventeen trucks from volunteer’s fire team around Kedah state and Penang state made up to twenty fire trucks. 

Again we respond to same place by next morning at around 1am as there is smoking out again. But it isn’t serious so government crews is taken care it. 

Some pics adopted from facebook:
More on Here and My Team Facebook Page

Video from youtube:

Monday, January 17, 2011

First of 2011, 16 January 2011: Bt Dua, Sg Petani House Fire

Wake up kind of early today, 10am then get one of my favorite breakfast, "Wan Tan Mee". After the breakfast and get back to front of my laptop, my CRSM device calling and said : "Batu Dua there seems got house fire!" I quickly get my stuff and leave to meeting spot. But too bad, the truck leaving so I have to go myself together with another one that late. This is first call in 2011 I'm responding.

It's kind of mad to rush on the street without siren. Quick and carefully bypass every junction, then reach there quite late already and fire been controlled. So I'm almost doing nothing until my teammates ask for substitute at front line. So I've replaced him and continue spray to reduce heat that hidden. Government operation leader came to me and ask me go inside the building to avoid wasting of water, then does I. This operation end after water of second volunteer squad that support us run out. Four wooden terrace houses totally destroyed. The village is packed with fire trucks from numerous fire squads, around 11.

Chinese press coverage: KwongWah
Some of pics from other teams:

Voluntary Fire Squad of Merbok
Spsa Goh

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

22 November 2010 : Tmn Ria Jaya Industrial Park, Factory Fire at 5.30am

After so long of peaceful, finally it's come. 5.30am, after being wake of noiseness, then come the second one, a call to standby from CRSM device. This is damn early of morning. What I know there is fire at Taman Ria Jaya, but not sure until middle of way in truck. My teammate told me is factory fire and confirm is serious one by some teammates which got there earlier.

I'm keep looking for smokes and fire sign on the sky while approaching the fireground and I'm found nothing so I'm thought again it's been pulled off. While reaching the scene, I saw few gov FRD trucks were there already, and I look at my left hand side, and "Oh shit! It's serious one" in my mind. Quickly get off the truck and start working. But be honest, I'm quite messy after so long of inactive and quite scared the factory will blows.

My crews run the first line then I come with the second one into the fireground corporate with other teams to "chill" the fire". It's pretty hard since it's "huge". The gov crews break into it for more effective extinguishing job. However it successfully get under-controlled about half hour. And at the mean time, my line was discharged, then I went off the ground and check out the outside. It's packed with fire trucks. We finish our operation when the sun light is coming out, around 7am and get home by 8am after some drink with other team. It's a tired day, I'm only slept for 2 hours and then got to leave for my class by 11am till 6pm.

Some pix

Some pix from press

17 September 2010 : Taman Bandar Baru, Sg Petani Shop Houses

I was Facebook-ing, suddenly the PTT device comes with a weird message " Listen to channel one of CRSM device". Then I turn to channel one as well to see what happen. Oppsss, it is reporting a live fire, then get off to the truck when it said "Huge fire, huge fire". And the CRSM crews keep asking "Semeling Bomba, are you guys getting off?" "Should be a big case" in my mind.

Before we reach there again it's been covered by gov FRD. After I check the fireground, it doesn't that serious as I'm expected. A tow truck and a car is affected, and little affection on the door of the shop houses.

Monday, October 4, 2010

03 October 2010: Taman Orkid, Sg Petani, Python Catching

As a voluntary fire squad, we're not only offer fire extinguisher services but also offer some special services such as snake catching. This night, I'm actually reach home after hang out at our fire station and prepare to sleep, but the CRSM device stop me. a crew asking our help to catch a python at his house which rented to some teachers and he claim that python is "not small".

I'm kind of like snake so I be there for the operation. After get all necessary gear on our small truck (special ops vehicle) then we went for it.  While reach there and check it, that so-called "not small" thing hiding in the grass and just showing it's head, yup, it's not "not small", it is huge. I'm expecting 8-9 foots, Our snake catching captain carefully tighten its head with special gear, then he pull it out. "DAMN!!!" in my mind when the real body of the snake is appeared. It's really huge, more than my expectation. Since we all first time meet this huge creature, so is kind of messy until it being pulled to a wider place.

After packed it, we bring back to our fire station. This huge thing got measured, 13 foots. LOL. It's really huge. This the largest wild snake i've seen so far.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

19 August 2010 : Semeling Brickwork Factory Fire

Another morning call, this time it's happen earlier a bit, 7am. I don't know where actually the fire happen until I was in the truck, it happen locally at Semeling. A brick factory overheated it's oven the bring the fire.

Friday, August 13, 2010

11 August 2010 : Jalan K.Ketil, Sg Petani

I think this should be second day of Muslim celebration of Hari Raya Puasa, a call through CRSM device saying house fire at Jalan Kuala Ketil. Me and my crews quickly get off to it due to it's house fire. However while we almost reach, the fire was successfully pulled off by gov FRD. It's kind of pity to the Malay owner of the house. It's happen during their celebration.